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What Are The New Strata Law Changes Announced by the Queensland Government?

New Strata Law Changes Announced

In the dynamic landscape of Australian property law, staying abreast of the latest changes is not just advisable; it’s essential.  

The recent strata law changes announced by the Queensland Government serve as a stark reminder of this truth, heralding significant adjustments that could affect thousands of residents and property owners across the state. 

In this guide, we’ll cover:

  • Challenges associated with the new strata rules
  • A closer look at strata law changes
  • Key factors in navigating strata law changes
  • Navigating Australian regulations, permits and approvals

Strata living, an increasingly popular choice for its affordability and community benefits, is now at the forefront of legislative evolution, making it a hot topic for anyone involved in strata property management, ownership, or residency. 

As a result, understanding the intricacies of these changes is now more important than ever. 

To foster harmonious community living, enhance the management of common property, and ensure the sustainability of these developments, the Queensland Government’s amendments are set to reshape the landscape of strata ownership and management. 

This evolution reflects a broader trend towards modernising property laws to address the unique challenges and opportunities that come with high-density living.

This article aims to demystify the latest strata law changes introduced by the Queensland Government, providing readers with a clear understanding of what these changes entail and how they may impact their lives. 

Whether you’re a property owner, resident, or simply interested in the world of strata living, this article will equip you with the knowledge you need to stay informed and prepared for the future. 

Join us as we delve into the specifics of these legislative adjustments, highlighting key changes, including what they mean for the Queensland strata community.


  • Understanding Legal Changes: Grasping the nuances of the new strata laws is foundational. These changes impact governance, safety standards, financial obligations, and community living arrangements within strata schemes.
  • Financial Planning is Key: Adjusting financial strategies to comply with new regulations while ensuring the long-term sustainability of the strata scheme is essential.
  • Community Engagement Enhances Compliance: Effective communication and engagement strategies are vital in bringing residents together to understand and implement changes.

New Strata Rules: Challenges

Transitioning to comply with the new strata laws is daunting for many strata managers, especially those with limited legal resources or outdated management practices. 

The complexity of the changes may even lead to initial resistance from residents unaccustomed to new procedures or policies.

The financial implications of ensuring compliance, from auditing costs to potential upgrades in management software, pose additional challenges for some communities.

A Closer Look at Strata Law Changes

The recent overhaul of Queensland’s strata laws introduces a range of conditions and requirements that vary significantly across applications, depending on the size and type of the strata scheme.  

Read along as we dissect these conditions, explore how they affect strata schemes of various sizes and offer tailored recommendations to ensure compliance and optimal management under the new framework.

Conditions and Sizes:

  1. Small Schemes (Under 10 Lots): These schemes often operate with more informal management structures. The new laws introduce requirements aimed at formalising some aspects of their operation, potentially increasing administrative tasks.
  2. Medium Schemes (10-49 Lots): Such schemes face a balancing act between the informal flexibility enjoyed by smaller schemes and the more rigid structures of larger ones. The laws introduce changes that could require adjustments in governance and maintenance fund allocation.
  3. Large Schemes (50 Lots or More): These are significantly impacted, with stricter governance, maintenance, and safety standards. The changes demand enhanced transparency and accountability from body corporate committees alongside more sophisticated financial and asset management strategies.


For Small Schemes:

  • Adopt Simple Compliance Tools: Leveraging basic property management software can streamline administrative processes, helping you meet new formalisation requirements without significant overhead.
  • Engage a Strata Lawyer: Even small schemes will benefit from legal advice, ensuring compliance without overcomplicating processes.

For Medium Schemes:

  • Invest in Training: Committee members should receive training to understand enhanced roles and responsibilities, ensuring they can balance flexibility with compliance.
  • Upgrade Management Systems: Medium-sized schemes may need to upgrade their management systems to efficiently handle increased administrative tasks and financial tracking.

For Large Schemes:

  • Implement Comprehensive Management Software: Advanced software that can handle complex financial management, compliance tracking, and communication is essential.
  • Regular Compliance Audits: Engaging professionals for regular audits helps large schemes stay on top of new requirements, identifying potential issues before they become problematic.

Adapting to the New Landscape:

The key to successfully navigating these changes lies in understanding the specific conditions applied to your strata scheme, including taking proactive steps to comply.

For small schemes, the challenge involves formalising processes without getting bogged down by red tape. 

Medium schemes need to find a balance between flexibility and the new requirements, while large schemes must focus on enhancing their governance and management practices to meet higher standards of transparency and accountability.

Key Factors in Navigating Strata Law Changes

When addressing the question of how to adapt to the strata law changes announced by the Queensland Government, there are several pivotal factors to consider. 

Each of these factors plays a crucial role in determining the most effective approach for strata managers to not only comply with the new regulations but to leverage these changes for the benefit of their communities. 

Understanding these factors guides managers, body corporate committees, and residents through the maze of legal hoops, ensuring a smooth transition and the long-term success of strata schemes.

1. Legal Compliance and Interpretation

The first step in adapting to the new strata laws involves a thorough understanding of the legal changes, including how they apply to your specific scheme. 

In addition to a basic understanding of the new regulations, you’ll need to dive deep into the legal language, the objectives behind the changes, and how they align with your current strata practices.

Given the legal complexities and potential for misinterpretation, consulting with a strata law specialist provides clarity, ensuring your understanding of the changes is both accurate and comprehensive.

Legal compliance is not static; it requires ongoing attention and adjustment as further clarifications and amendments are made. 

Strata managers must establish a process for staying informed about legal updates, possibly through a legal advisory service or subscriptions to legal updates in the field of strata law. 

This proactive approach ensures that your strata scheme remains compliant over time, adapting to any refinements in the legislation or its interpretation by the courts.

2. Financial Planning and Management

Understanding the financial implications of the changes is crucial. The new laws may necessitate adjustments in how strata fees are calculated, the management of sinking funds, and the allocation of funds for maintenance and compliance-related activities. 

Strata managers must assess their current financial health, project future expenditures in light of the new laws, and adjust their financial planning accordingly. 

This may include revising budgets, increasing levies, or implementing special assessments to cover compliance costs.

Effective financial management under the new laws involves transparency and communication with residents about how their taxes are being used.

This transparency builds trust and ensures that residents are aware of the reasons behind changes involving their taxes. 

Leveraging financial management software that accommodates the nuances of the new regulations streamlines financial tracking and reporting, making it easier to manage your scheme’s finances in compliance with the updated laws.

3. Community Engagement and Communication

Adapting to new strata laws requires the buy-in and cooperation of the entire community.

Effective communication strategies are essential for educating residents about the changes, their effects, and what is expected of each member. 

This can involve organising information sessions, distributing easy-to-understand guides, or setting up a dedicated communication channel for questions and updates.

Community engagement goes beyond mere communication; it involves actively involving residents in the transition process.

This can be achieved through community surveys, forming committees to oversee the transition, or hosting Q&A sessions with legal experts. 

Engaging the community not only builds trust but also fosters a sense of ownership and cooperation among residents.

By giving careful consideration to these factors—legal compliance, financial management, and community engagement—strata managers can navigate the complexities of the new laws effectively. 

Navigating Australian Regulations, Permits, and Approvals in Strata Management

In the realm of strata management, understanding and adhering to the myriad of Australian regulations, permits, and approvals is paramount.  

These legal requirements serve as the backbone of effective and compliant strata scheme operation, especially in light of the recent changes to Queensland’s strata laws. 

The following section delves into the critical aspects of Australian regulations, focusing on the permits and approvals that are particularly relevant to strata management under the new legal landscape.

Australian Building Codes and Safety Regulations

At the heart of strata management compliance are the Australian Building Codes and Safety Regulations. These codes are designed to ensure all strata buildings meet national standards for construction, fire safety, accessibility, and energy efficiency. Any modifications to common property or individual lots must comply with these codes. 

The new laws may impose further obligations on strata schemes to ensure buildings are not only up to code at the time of construction but maintained to these standards. 

Obtaining the necessary permits for construction or major renovations and ensuring ongoing compliance with safety regulations are critical steps in this process.

Strata managers and body corporate committees must be vigilant in assessing their properties’ compliance with these updated standards. 

This may involve conducting compliance audits, obtaining new certifications, or implementing retrofitting projects to meet the latest requirements. 

Engaging with professionals who specialise in building compliance can facilitate this process, ensuring that all necessary permits and approvals are obtained and maintained.

Brisbane Standard Drawings (BSD)

Local Council Regulations and Community By-Laws

In addition to national regulations, strata managers must navigate the local council regulations that apply to their specific field. These local regulations cover a range of issues, from noise control and waste management to parking and pet ownership.

Understanding and integrating these requirements into your strata scheme’s by-law policy is essential for smooth operation and community harmony. 

This process can include consulting with legal experts, engaging with local councils, and communicating with residents to ensure a comprehensive understanding and the implementation of required changes.

Changes to common property or the exterior of buildings often require approval from the local council, which may involve a detailed application process and adherence to specific local standards.

The recent changes to Queensland’s strata laws underscore the importance of aligning strata scheme by-laws with both state and local regulations. 

This alignment ensures that schemes operate within the legal framework, avoiding potential disputes or legal challenges. 

Residential driveway permits

Environmental Regulations and Sustainability Initiatives

Sustainability initiatives and environmental regulations are increasingly becoming a focal point, particularly in the context of new legislation. 

As a result, the Queensland Government’s strata law changes may include provisions aimed at promoting environmental sustainability, such as requirements for energy-efficient lighting in common areas or water-saving measures in communal gardens.

This can involve exploring government grants or incentives for green projects, consulting with sustainability experts to identify potential improvements, and engaging residents in sustainability efforts. 

Strata managers must be aware of these requirements and seek necessary approval for implementing sustainability initiatives.

Proactively addressing environmental sustainability not only ensures compliance with current regulations but also positions schemes as forward-thinking and responsible communities. 

By understanding the specifics of national building codes, local council regulations, and environmental sustainability requirements,  strata managers can rest assured knowing they’re operating within the legal framework, promoting safety, harmony, and sustainability within their communities. 

Navigating Change with Confidence: Key Takeaways

As we wrap up, it’s clear that these adjustments carry significant implications for strata schemes across the state of Queensland.  

From legal compliance to financial management, community engagement, and the necessity of professional services, the landscape of strata living is evolving.

Below, we’ve summarised the crucial takeaways. We encourage strata communities to carefully consider their unique circumstances and seek expert advice to navigate these changes successfully.

  • Understanding Legal Changes: Grasping the nuances of the new strata laws is crucial, given that they impact governance, safety standards, financial obligations, and community living arrangements.
  • Financial Planning is Key: Adjusting financial strategies to comply with new regulations while ensuring the long-term sustainability of the strata scheme is essential.
  • Community Engagement Enhances Compliance: Effective communication and engagement strategies are vital in bringing residents together to understand and implement changes smoothly.

As Queensland’s strata communities face these legal changes, the importance of informed decision-making and strategic planning cannot be overstated. 

Given that each strata scheme has its own unique set of challenges and requirements, a one-size-fits-all approach does not apply. 

We encourage strata managers, body corporate committees, and residents to reflect on their specific needs and consult with strata law experts to ensure their approach to compliance is both effective and tailored to their community.

The path forward may seem daunting, but with the right resources and professional guidance, Queensland’s strata communities can navigate these changes confidently and successfully. 

Ready to Take the Next Step?

As we conclude our guide, it’s clear that understanding and implementing the changes covered above requires careful consideration and expert guidance.  

Whether you’re looking to ensure your strata scheme is fully compliant, seeking ways to enhance community living or need assistance with financial planning and management under the new laws, professional advice is invaluable.

bplanned & surveyed is here to support you through these changes. 

With a team of dedicated experts specialising in strata law, property management, and financial planning, we’re equipped to provide you with the personalised advice and solutions your strata scheme needs in this new legal landscape. 

Our services are tailored to meet the unique challenges and opportunities of your community, ensuring a seamless transition to compliance and beyond.

Don’t navigate these changes alone. Contact bplanned & surveyed today for personalised advice or to request a quote. Let us help you turn these legal adjustments into opportunities for your strata scheme to flourish. 
